Unlike breastfeeding, we’ve all seen bottle feeding, and we all know how to do it. We’ve been surrounded by it growing up. If someone handed you a baby and a bottle you would know what to do right? Of course you would, but would you know how to do it without causing a stressful feeding? Despite the large number of parents who use bottles in today’s society (whether those bottles contain breastmilk or formula), there are very few who have actually been taught how to bottle feed their baby in a manner that is respectful of the baby’s airway and natural feeding rhythm.
Bottle feeding may seem like a strange topic for a lactation consultant to be blogging about, but I feel it’s an important one. Conventional bottle feeding methods can cause problems for both breastfed and bottle fed babies, and all babies deserve to be fed in a respectful manner. By “conventional” bottle feeding, I mean the method of bottle feeding that most of us are used to, which is baby more or less on his back, and the bottle being tipped up to ensure there are no air bubbles.
Although I work with breastfeeding moms and babies, I do a lot of teaching about bottle feeding. The moms that come to me, are usually having difficulty with breastfeeding, and are sometimes supplementing breastfeeding with bottles of expressed milk or formula. There are of course alternate methods of supplementing (supplemental nursing system, finger, syringe or cup feeding) but many moms are either already using bottles when I see them, or find that bottles are simply easier to deal with because they are familiar.
I often hear from moms who are afraid that they aren’t producing enough milk because their baby will gulp down a bottle after breastfeeding. It’s important for parents to understand that with conventional bottle feeding methods, babies have no choice but to gulp down everything in their bottle in order to protect their airway. If you hold a bottle upside down (even one with a slow flow nipple), it drips. When a baby being given a bottle swallows, the negative pressure created draws more milk into the baby’s mouth, meaning the baby has to swallow again to avoid choking. This is stressful for the baby, and babies will often display stress cues such as splayed fingers or toes, milk running out of the corner of the baby’s mouth, trying to turn their head away, or trying to push the bottle away. The picture above is a good example of this.
It’s not normal for babies to gulp down their entire feeding in a few minutes. When you watch a baby breastfeeding, you see that they drink for a while then take a little break before drinking again (with the exception perhaps of oversupply/forceful let down, which is a different situation). Breastfeeding is the biological norm for infant feeding. This means that with any other feeding method used, care should be taken to mimic breastfeeding as much as possible. I have seen conventional bottle feeding methods lead to overfeeding, spitting up, reflux, wheezing and difficulty breathing while feeding, and even feeding refusal (due to feeding being so stressful). Bottles being given to a breastfed baby can also cause problems with breastfeeding. Babies suck differently from a bottle than they do at the breast, and babies can become accustomed to the faster flow of milk from a bottle, causing them to become impatient at the breast. The tips below can help to minimize some of the problems associated with bottle feeding.
Tips for bottle feeding any baby (not just a breastfed one!)
1. Hold your baby sitting upright, and start by placing the nipple of the bottle against your baby’s top lip. Wait for your baby to open up before putting the bottle in his mouth. Never force a bottle into a baby’s mouth.
2. Your baby should be sitting up enough that the bottle is horizontal (parallel to the floor). Tip the bottle just enough to keep the tip of the nipple filled with milk (as the bottle empties, you will have to tip the bottle up more). It’s fine if there is an air bubble at the base of the nipple as long as the tip is filled with milk. This works much better with a straight bottle rather than an angled one.
3. If you are supplementing a breastfed baby, or pumping and bottle feeding in the hopes of getting baby back to nursing, it is beneficial to let your baby suck on the nipple for a minute or two without getting anything, and then tip the bottle so your baby is getting milk. When breastfeeding, babies have to wait a minute or so for mom’s milk to let down, and they have to suck to trigger that let down. Babies who have been bottle fed sometimes get used to the immediate reward from the bottle and then are impatient at the breast and don’t want to wait for let down. By letting baby suck for a short while without getting anything from the bottle, you are mimicking the process at the breast, and it can help with the transition. There is no need to worry about your baby taking in air, one end or the other it will come back out!
4. Watch your baby’s cues All babies, whether breast or bottle fed should be fed whenever they show signs of being hungry, and not according to any kind of schedule. During feeding, if your baby starts to show any signs of stress (splayed fingers and toes, milk spilling out of mouth, turning head away, pushing bottle away – see picture above) then your baby needs a break. Keep the bottle in your baby’s mouth, but tip the bottle so that the nipple is pointing towards the roof of the baby’s mouth. By doing this, your baby knows that the bottle is still there and will start sucking again when ready. At that point you can tip the bottle back up so that baby is again getting milk. It is frustrating for your baby if you take the bottle out of his mouth to give him a break because he doesn’t know where it has gone or if it’s coming back. If your baby is showing signs that he is done (turning head, trying to push bottle away etc), then respect those cues and end the feeding.
5. Alternate sides part way through the feeding to mimic breastfeeding and allow stimulation to both eyes and both sides of the body. This also helps to prevent the development of a side preference when feeding.
6. Find a nipple that works well for your baby. There are no black and white answers as to which bottle nipple is “best” for a breastfed baby, because all babies are different. For young babies, make sure you are using a slow flow nipple. Even with older babies a slow flow nipple may be best if your baby is struggling with the flow of milk. Don’t worry about the recommended ages on the bottle nipple packaging, watch your baby to determine what works best for them. Unfortunately, “slow flow” is not something that is standardized, and some “slow flow” nipples actually flow quite quickly, so again, watch your baby. I do not recommend the “Nuk” or orthodontic type nipples because mom’s nipples don’t look like that! (If mom’s nipples are pinched or flattened after baby feeds, it’s a sign that baby isn’t latched on properly, or some other issue is causing baby to compress the nipple). Your baby should be able to “latch” onto the base of whichever nipple you use. Some bottle nipples that are advertised as having a wide base and being “more like mom’s breast”, are so wide that baby ends up being just on the nipple, which is something to be avoided. There are some good pictures of how your baby should look when latched onto a bottle nipple on this post from Best for Babes titled How to Bottle-feed as You’d Breastfeed, and more information at the website www.breastandbottlefeeding.com.
Things to avoid:
1. Never prop a bottle. It’s a dangerous practice that is stressful for your baby.
2. Don’t bottle feed your baby while he’s swaddled. You need to be able to see your baby’s hands to watch for stress signs, and your baby needs to have his hands free to participate in feeding.
3. Don’t feed your baby with him facing away from you. Feeding is an important time for the development of social interaction in babies. Make eye contact with your baby, talk to him and enjoy the feeding as a fun interaction with your baby rather than another task to get through as quickly as possible.
4. Don’t force your baby to finish a bottle by twisting it or moving it around in baby’s mouth. Let your baby decide when he’s done. Overfeeding can lead to an uncomfortable and unhappy baby!
More information about the baby-led method of bottle feeding can be found in Dee Kassing’s article Bottle-Feeding as a Tool to Reinforce Breastfeeding
Use of formula
Along with bottle feeding, I also do a lot of teaching about correct formula preparation because many parents are not informed about the dangers of giving powdered formula to young or ill babies, and haven’t been taught how to prepare powdered formula properly.
Powdered infant formula is not a sterile product and there have been cases of powdered formula being contaminated with the bacteria E. sakazakii which can easily be fatal for young children. Babies under the age of one year are at particular risk of infection with E. sakazakii, with the greatest risk being for those who are less than 28 days old, or who are preterm, low birth weight, or immunocompromised (have a weakened immune system). For these babies, liquid formula should be used because it is sterile.
If you are using powdered formula it is very important for it to be properly prepared in order to kill any potential bacteria. Powdered formula needs to be mixed with water that is at least than 70 degrees Celsius (boil the water and let it cool for no more than 30 minutes before mixing it with the powder). It can then be cooled to an appropriate temperature for feeding or cooled and stored in the fridge for no more than 24hrs. You can read more detailed information about the proper preparation of powdered infant formula here.
If you are using liquid formula, make sure you follow the directions on the can closely. There are two types of liquid formula – ready to feed and liquid concentrate. The liquid concentrate must be mixed with the proper amount of water (as outlined on the can) before feeding. Failure to mix liquid concentrate formula with the right amount of water can have severe consequences for your baby.
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Thank you for the informative post. It was enlightening to learn about this approach and its potential benefits. Your insights have provided me with valuable information that I can apply when feeding my baby. Keep up the great work!
Thanks & Regards,
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The Empire Mini™ GS is the next generation of a paintball marker legend. The team at Empire has taken the proven Mini marker platform and designed and developed it to be even better. In addition to the battle-proven Mini engine, the GS includes a full wrap-around rubber foregrip that creates a secure grip and protection from paint and the elements. The Mini GS also adds an On/Off ASA that eliminates any thread issues and makes for smooth removal of your tank. As an added bonus, the new design allows for a simple drop-in of the Redline OLED board without switching the foregrip. The ASA and Foregrip attachment points have been beefed up for extra strength and superior performance. Of course, you have all the regular goodies you have come to expect and depend on from the Empire Mini: Hoseless design, Eyes, Clamping Feedneck and proven Mini performance. It takes a truly amazing product to follow a legend, and Empire hits the mark with the Mini GS.
What is a Trap House? – Trap houses are dangerous places for people to get their hands on drugs, especially heroin. They are often filled with drugs that addicts can’t get off of without medical attention. Several deaths have been reported in trap houses in recent years, and they often play an important role in the spread of these dangerous drugs. In a recent story on U.S. News, an Iraq veteran described how he used heroin that was laced with fentanyl, and how the withdrawal was excruciating. The drug is also addictive.
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From the time when you realize that getting an erection is becoming difficult, you have to act wisely. In many cases, difficulty in getting an erection is short-term and in such cases, you just have to give time to yourself. However, the problem of getting an erection becomes a regular issue of life then you have to do something. You cannot spend your whole life like this, as you have to fulfill the desires of your girlfriend or wife in the bed. Erection disorder is the basic reason for many divorces or breakups and you must not want to face these. Hence, starting using the pills, available for treating erection disorder like Cenforce 150.
Before you start using Cenforce 150 or any other pill for treating, you need to talk to your doctor. Cenforce pills are having Sildenafil Citrate, which is a generic compound used for treating erection disorder. However, you may across several side effects after using these pills when you don’t have a recommendation from a doctor. There are certain necessary tests that your doctor conducts for prescribing you a certain dose of Cenforce 150. You have to follow the instruction of your doctor for keeping this drug safe for your body. Even without showing a prescription, you cannot buy Cenforce 150 by using PayPal.
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malegra is available in various forms. The medication contains sildenafil as the principal ingredient. There are variations of this drug. The most commonly used one is the jelly form. The jelly gets into the body fast. Malegra is available in various dosage sizes. However is the most commonly used dosage. Malegra 100mg has a reputation to get into the system fast. Hence, providing better and improved erections. It can increase the blood supply of the body. Malegra is available in very flavors. The drug has the capability to improve mood and boost up sexual abilities. Malegra is available worldwide. The most important component that makes this drug so famous is Sildenafil Citrate. India is one of the biggest suppliers of this medication. folk from all over the globe purchase this medication. This drug provides better results at affordable costs
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Another thing to believe when bottle feeding is that the size of the nipple. albeit my baby is four months old we are still using the slow (smaller hole) nipple. Does it take longer for her to eat? Yes, but she isnt gulping or struggling to stay up.
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Breastfeeding is the biological norm for infant feeding. This means that with any other feeding method used, care should be taken to mimic breastfeeding as much as possible.
Thanks for sharing 🙂
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Very useful information just when i want to introduce my baby to bottle feeding. Will give a trial and watch my baby to see how it goes.
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Thank you thats an great post. We actually loved BreastFlow bottles with our first baby. We had no problems with leaking and it was easy to get the extra milk out of the by pinching it, It was nice to have a bottle that was as close to breast as possible while I had to work.
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The Arknights mobile program is one of the very few free to obtain camera software that have the capability to produce self-documentation for any photo you take.
These photographs are then easy to search through in order to identify the
individual, location and time of the shot for you to get extra
Any photo taken with this item will be kept in the application’s database that
makes it possible for you to locate each of the photos you’ve taken later on.
It is a way to find exactly where the photograph was shot where the specific place it was taken was, and determine.
Now, that is how some of my friends have
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I needed to try it out when I had been told about the Arknights program.
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Then let me give you an instance, if you want to see exactly what I
The last time that I visited my brother in law he had bought a boat and was
taking his wife. I went to have a photo of him but
inadvertently hit a subject on the very top of his head rather than taking a snapshot of his whole
Because I hadn’t even captured the moment I was so embarrassed.
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Er blieb in Uppsala zur Kursus in
allgemeiner Chirurgie unter den Professoren
Gunnar Nyström obendrein Olle Hultén; beide hatten
besonderes Belang pro Rekonstruktive
Chirurgie. 1945 ging Skoog hinter Finnland
um Chip 3-D Chirurgische Therapie
Kriegsverletzter unter jener Handbuch der
Professoren Richard Faltin u. a. Atso Soivio zu
studieren. Im alsdann folgendem Im Jahre erhielt
er eine ‚British Council Scholarship‘ mit Sir
Harold Gillies obendrein Sir Archibald McIndoe in
England. Hinter welcher ‚Scholarship‘ kehrte er
nach hinten zufolge Schweden, wo er seine Thesis
anhand die Dupuytrensche Kontraktur Brief.
Wehrend des Korea-Krieges, erhielt er seitens
den ‚United Nations Forces‘ die Gelegenheit
zu einem Visite als ‚Observer‘ mit Erstellen
eines Berichtes über die Eruierung von
Verletzten Chip bestehend Verbrennungen erlitten
hatten. Skoog wurde 1948 zum ‚appointed
director of plastic surgery of the University
Hospital of Uppsala‘ ernannt. Er erhielt
Einbetten in der Gebiet zu Händen Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde,
entwickelte rasch seine eigene
Einheit zum Besten von Schwerbrandverletzte im Übrigen wurde
zum ersten Professor zu Gunsten von Plastische Chirurgie
in Skandinavien ernannt. Er war ‚Honorary
Fellow of the American College of Surgeons‘
ansonsten wurde zum ‚Commodore, Giebel Class of
the Finnish Order‘ vom Präsidenten ernannt.
T?ere’s definately a l?t to learn about this
issue. I really like all of the points you made.
Es folgten jährliche Kongresse in
London obendrein Mailand. Anlässlich der dritten Tagung
1938 in Mailand wurde vonseiten Sanvenero Rosselli
die neue internationale Journal Plastica
Chirurgica hrsg.. Er veranstaltete einen
Lehrkurs z. Hd. das Probe von Plastischen Chirurgen
in Italien. Eine andere Auflage konnte
in Bezug auf des Beginns des 2. Weltkrieges un…
geschehen (Converse 1964,1977 im Übrigen 1967).
schreibt abschließend:
» Jener internationale Konferenz solcher ‚European
Society of Plastic Surgery‘ war der
Gipfel der Entwicklung der Plastischen
Chirurgie bereits DEM 2. Weltkrieg … Er erbrachte
1936 Meilensteine solcher Fortschritte
zum Vorteil von die Zusage dieser Vorhandensein dieses
neuen Zweigs der Chirurgie, alles andere als einzig
und allein in der
Öffentlichkeit sondern auch zu Händen die akademische
Welt (Converse 1977).
4.2.4 Besondere Beiträge
in der Fachliteratur zwischen
den Weltkriegen
Entscheidende Beiträge bei den Anstieg der
Plastischen Chirurgie sind seitens den darauffolgend
genannten Autoren in jener Spanne mitten unter den beiden
Weltkriegen (1918–1939) geleistet worden.
Yngve Zottermann wird dank seines im Voraus
1933 elektrophysiologisch erbrachten Nachweises
jener unterschiedlichen Leitungsgeschwindigkeit
involvierter schmerzleitender Belästigen vonseiten Voigt
(1982) im Anteil zur Monografie Die Verbrennungskrankheit,
Entstehung, Geschehen noch dazu Therapie
berücksichtigt. Die Feststellung welcher unterschiedlichen
anatomisch ebenso wie physiologisch bedingten
Schmerzleitungsgeschwindigkeiten führte zur
einer wissenschaftlichen des Weiteren kühl erprobten
Indikation der medikamentösen Schmerzbehandlung
Bei Stab des „Emergency Medical Service“
wurden spezielle Zentren für die Überlegung
von Verletzten mit Chip „Bombardements“ eingerichtet.
Gillies (. Abb. 4.3) setzte gegenseitig für dasjenige
Schaffen seitens geeigneten Einrichtungen pro Chip
Behandlung aller Patienten, des Militärs, welcher zivilen
Bevölkerung darüber hinaus der (sehr) schwer Brandverletzten
Chip eine plastisch-chirurgische Behandlung benötigten.
Chip plastisch-chirurgischen und maxillofacialen/
kieferchirurgischen Zentren wurden zu
Ausbildungsstätten pro Chirurgen dieser westlichen
Alliierten inklusive beachtlichen Fortschritten hinaus diesen
Ähnliche Einheiten sind in den Army and
Navy General Hospitals in den USA eingerichtet
worden. Handchirurgische Zentren, in Bausch und Bogen
verbunden inbegriffen plastisch-chirurgischen Zentren,
standen unter jener Anführung vonseiten Bunnell.
In den
Jahren des 2. Weltkrieges erreichten in welcher Öffentlichkeit
ausgewählte Plastische Chirurgen exemplarisch Wallace,
Clarkson, Mathews, Gibson, Mowlem weiterhin
viele weitere Bestätigung und Kontakt.
Die Vielheit von 25 britischen Fachärzten pro Plastische
Chirurgie wurde erreicht.
Jenes größte britische Zentrum entstand in East
Grinstead pro Chip „Royal Air Force mit McIndoe
als Kommandeur“. In dem Zentrum konnten bis
zu 200 Patienten aufgenommen unter anderem „zahlreiche
britische Plastische Chirurgen durchtrainiert werden“.
Infolge ihre Tätigkeit hatte dieses Wissenschaftsdisziplin in dieser
britischen Öffentlichkeit großes Ansehen erreicht.
McIndoe wurde sogar für seine Leistungen
in den Adel erhoben (McDowell 1978).
Taktgesteuert mit dem nächtlichen Stationierung solcher
V1 obendrein V2 via London im Anno 1943 unter anderem dieser
folglich allerbest gesteigerten Wert welcher Verletzten
wurde dasjenige „Wundermittel“ Penizillin in den plastisch-
chirurgischen Einheiten anerkannt. Im Februar
1944 wurde hinauf solcher Ausgangspunkt einer von Mowlem
geleiteten Überprüfung über Chip anhand dem „Antibioticum“
erreichten Resultate (jemandem) Rat geben. Die 24 beteiligten
Chirurgen hatten gemäß welcher Anwendung seitens Penicillin
eine beachtliche Verbesserungen solcher Ergebnisse
hinzustoßen Routiniertheit. Nichtsdestotrotz einer Pause
rief „Sir Harold“, dieser zum Schweigen aufgerufen
hatte, „was denkt ihr ‚chaps‘ oberhalb dieses Formen eines
‚Plastic Club‘?“ Chip Reaktion war unmittelbar im Übrigen
enthusiastisch. Entsprechend Erarbeitung dieser notwendigen
Finessen wurde unter jener Beisammensein
am 20.5.1944 in London Chip Satzung jener British
Association of Plastic Surgeons beschlossen. Für
Chip Auswahl solcher Gründungsmitglieder evtl. eine
„Association“ eingeweiht Zustandekommen. Dementsprechend mussten
die Vorbereitungen zusammenhangslos werden. Sie
konnten erst im Sommer 1946 neuerlich aufgenommen
Ursprung (Barron 1987).
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Hi I am julia farnandas .The Baby-led Bottle Feeding is very nice for baby Read more info about baby bottle warmer visit my website http://bit.ly/2pSu2vz .
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So glad I found this.This article was very helpful and I’m going to pass it along to help inform other mothers.
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Wow,what amazing info. I wish this information was shared in my early childhood education class.
This advice is so great for alll new moms. When I had my children (oldest is 50 now) we didn’t have support for breastfeeding. Breastfeeding was reemerging in the 60’s but there was no one to talk me through it. I wasn’t very successful with my 3 children only breastfeeding them for only 3 months. I knew nothing about latching, formilk and hindmilk. I would have had more success having a lactation specialist on hand. These new moms are lucky that they can enjoy breastfeeding their babies as long as they are able. My daughter had her first baby now at the age of 44 and is doing marvelously! The baby is gaining and is healthy. And beautiful, I might add.
Won’t letting baby have a bottle nipple with just air give the baby gas?
Thank you thats an interesting post. We actually loved BreastFlow bottles with our first. We had no problems with leaking and it was easy to get the extra milk out of the by pinching it, It was nice to have a bottle that was as close to breast as possible while I had to work.
Wonderful post, Melanie. Thanks so much for your perspective on responsive feeding, it warmed a dietitian’s heart :). I absolutely agree, regardless of the feeding approach the most important thing is to stay attuned to baby’s cues and enjoy mealtimes together.
My husband and I found a new technique that worked when everything else failed so I offer it to anyone it might help–we used a video of a baby drinking a bottle. More on my blog post on this subject.
I thought this article was VERY helpful. We had been feeding out daughter all wrong. Wondering why her tummy was so upset after eating and why she was eating so much. We were WAY over feeding her! After reading this article, discovering she had all the stress cues listed, we changed the way we bottle feed her and she is doing great! Thanks so much for this article! We are making sure that anyone feeding her has been instructed.
and she drinks her bottle rather quickly as well ! has a nice burp and is happy !
my almost 7 month old will eat a whole 6-8 oz bottle every feeding and baby food , milk pours out the side of her mouth but that doesnt mean she doesnt want it because when i take it away to wipe her mouth she gets unhappy wanting her bottle back…. so this wasnt very helpful for me .. sorry
Article does say taking the bottle out is stressful for the baby b/c they don’t know where it went or if it is even coming back. So maybe the part about tilting it back so no milk comes out but nipple is still there could be helpful… Just sayin.. Take what you need and leave the rest…
my baby is a breastfed he does.t use bottle fed.i wish he use bottle fed what can i do.
The article is how to bottle feed your baby using their own cues, including WHEN they want to eat. No set schedule, however, the bit about preparing formula recommends a method that would take close to 40min to complete, in order to reduce the risk of E Sakazakii contamination. The linked WHO pamphlet then goes on to confirm that 70 degree water should be used, and feeds should be administered immediately, not mixed and then stored. I don’t see how these two concepts can coexist. If we are to safely prepare fresh bottles for each feed, but feed on demand, babies would have to wait over half an hour to eat? Sorry, I can’t do that to my child.
I use a water heater/kettle; the water is already heated and sterilized when I need it. I put some kettle water in a bottle and store it in the fridge. When I make a bottle, I mix 30% hot kettle water, the powder, and 70% fridge kettle water. Viola!
Alternatively, I premix some bottles and use a bowl and the water heater to heat the bottle up. It takes about hree minutes to heat up. 🙂
Thanks so much for this! Do you have any thoughts on the Medela Calma nipple? Its supposed to control the flow and mimic the breast…
I used it and it is very expensive but my DD hated it around 3 mths. Tried again when she was a little older and she still hated it. I thought it would be great to be able to pump and feed in the same bottles, but it is very funky to take apart and assemble too. It is 4 different parts to get the nipple just right or it leaks.
There is a lot of confusion out there about the safe storage and handling of expressed breastmilk, with some parents being wrongly advised to treat it exactly as formula. This would mean, for example, discarding any milk left in a bottle which the baby hadn’t finished.
Even mothers who have little difficulty expressing enough milk for their baby will nevertheless have worked pretty hard at doing so, and are loath to waste their precious milk. I think this contributes to the temptation to urge their baby to finish the entire bottle whether he really wants it or not.
When parents know just how safe expressed milk is, allowing the baby to adopt a more natural feeding pattern is more viable.
For a new dad wanting to be able to share more in the feeding/bonding process, this article gives some great suggestions that I look forward to trying out. Thank you for posting this!
Something about letting a baby suck an empty bottle for a few minutes seems just cruel. My son would have been hysterical if I did that,and then would have likely threw up his whole meal because he sucked in a gallon of air first! But I understand the theory behind it, my son was not interested in the breast at all after he had a bottle, it was easy for him.
It isn’t recommended that they suck the nipple of the bottle first. Put your knuckle up to his mouth and let him suck on that before handing him the bottle. Works wonders. My son is breastfed and we have avoided nipple confusion for when I have to pump by doing this!
Thank you. This is so helpful. My 5month old prem son has been nil by mouth for 6 weeks. The drs want me bottle feeding when we reintroduced milk but I didn’t want to. I’ve been trying to cup feed but he’s been showing signs of frustration because he’s desperate to suck. I think these tips will help for that too – mum needs more practice! 🙂
Yes great for the info but do you knoa a mothers breast milk can flow so fast and do the same as the bottle? It happend to me,when i was breast feeding my little one and she stoped to sack and my milk was not stopping..!! It is as the older people always said be aware at all times in what you do..!
Thank you so much for this post! Our LC at the hospital where out son was born (5 weeks early) was recommended as a preemie paced-feeding expert, but other than holding the baby upright and keeping the bottle closer to horizontal, these tips are almost the exact opposite of the “tough-love” methods she taught us (which included twisting/moving the bottle to trigger our son to keep eating, forceful frequent burping to “keep him awake”, not noticing if he ate so quickly that he spilled out of the corners of his mouth/down his chin, and making sure he ate the prescribed amount (30ml each feeding to start, 45-60 each feeding, every 2-3 hours max, after a week) within 15 minutes or else he’d be “working too hard for his calories, thereby wasting them in the effort to consume them.”).
…and here I’ve been so confused as to why he’s had difficulties taking to the breast after 4 weeks! Definitely going to take your tips to heart and give them a shot to see if it helps him transition into breastfeeding with less stress for all of us. 🙂
This should be printed and put with every bottle&teat sold! Thank you, I am expecting our second in October and while I would prefer to feed exclusively from the breast for the first 6months or so and then cup feed, it is good to do some research in case we change our minds or have problems.
Thank you! Excellent information! Even with no babies breast or bottle age in the house.. it’s good info to know.
I’ve made sure that my husband, my mother and my mother-in-law, as well as anyone else who gives my baby a bottle, is aware of this. I really appreciate you making them available. My daughter tends to gulp a bottle anyhow though, is that just her, or is it likely that we aren’t holding the bottle quite right? Does grabbing at the bottle necessarily mean that it’s a sign of too-fast flow? She is 7 weeks, and does the same with my breast sometimes (she’ll pat with her upper hand, and grab at the hand I’m supporting my breast with, and grip quite hard, with her lower one).
Christine, you may need to check the nipple that you are using. There is no standardization of what “slow flow” means, so some slow flow nipples are actually quite fast. If your little one is grabbing the bottle and not pushing it away, and otherwise seems happy, then it’s likely not a problem.
Thank-you for the post. I am nursing my 6 week old baby with an SNS nurser and sometimes she has the same gulping response at the breast when the tubes are unclamped, do you have any advice for the proper use of the SNS? (I nursed my first daughter with the SNS as well, but she was about 8 weeks old when I first found out about how the device could help us and I don’t remember having the same issue).
Thank you for this fantastic post! I often need to teach moms paced or baby-led bottlefeeding and I’m going to send them the link to your page because it explains everything so clearly. The pictures are great, too.
I have been thinking a lot lately how formula feeding parents really need this information, because as you said, all babies should be fed in a gentle, respectful, non-overwhelming way.
Thanks again.
This is a GREAT article. We’ve all seen someone bottle-feed a baby, and most likely have done it ourselves at some time. Seems basic enough, right? There are all kinds of things you’ve mentioned that lots of people probably don’t know. I didn’t!
What a great post! I shared it on our facebook page and Twitter feed. I think this is a subject that doesn’t get talked about nearly enough. It’s assumed everyone knows “how” to bottlefeed, and I think so often the way bottlefeeding is handled shows the assumption our culture has that infant feeding is simply about meeting nutritional needs.
Thank you for this!! There is so much info out there about breastfeeding but so little about bottle feeding. And for those of us who end up on bottle feeding, this kind of article is a godsend!!!
i ill be sharing this on my facebook so other moms can get this info.
Thanks for sharing! My boys are past bottles now, but I wish I had this article to show my husband. I knew when our sons were showing the “distress” signs of too fast flow, but sometimes he didn’t belive me. Thanks!
Hi Amber,
There are a number of possible reasons for a baby showing stress signs at the breast, ranging from forceful let down to tongue-tie or something such as tracheomalacia (there are other possibilities as well). A baby showing stress signs while breastfeeding really needs to be assessed by someone knowledgeable about suck-swallow-breathe issues in order to determine the cause, and come up with a plan to address the problem.
Thanks for the advice! I’m working with a mom right now and she says that her baby sometimes shows these stress cues while breastfeeding…what could be the issue there?
Thanks for this helpful information Fleur. Great insights, and seeing as my babies never had any bottles, only breast, this will be information that I will surely pass on.
Another thing to think about when bottlefeeding is the size of the nipple. Even though my little one is four months old we are still using the slow (smaller hole) nipple. Does it take longer for her to eat? Yes, but she isnt gulping or struggling to keep up.
I remember trying to tell my parents (also our babysitters) that if he really was ‘gulping back’ his bottles at their house it was because they were doing it wrong. I wish I’d had this to print off & show them, you do a much better job explaining that I did, and you have much Moe helpful info about doing it right!
Thanks or the interesting post! There’s a lot of information there that I didn’t know, and might explain why my son had such trouble after eating for the babysitters. 😀
Yahoo – thanks for this important info. hope all moms and caregiers are taught this.